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William L Culbertson
May 5, 20204 min read
Calculus in Middle School
Calculus for Middle School? Why Not? Right at the start, I’d like to stipulate that there is a difference between explaining Calculus and...
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William L Culbertson
Apr 13, 20204 min read
Where Are the Math Students? Part 2
Introducing the Harry Potter School of Mathematics. Intrigued by the idea of a Hogwarts Academy for algebraic wizardry? Unfortunately,...
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William L Culbertson
Aug 14, 20192 min read
Contradicting Euclid?
Answering a question on August, 2019: Why do high levels of maths contradict lower level maths? Why do ground rules of math get...
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William L Culbertson
Apr 17, 20181 min read
Recreational Mathematics
Answering a question on Can I do math as a hobby? Yes, by all means! While you may think that doing math means boring...
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William L Culbertson
May 11, 20153 min read
Where are the math students? Part 1
I’ve been teaching mathematics for some forty years. That entitles me to make a few observations about mathematics students—at least...
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